Ils sont nés un 23 août |
Georges Leopold Cuvier, Gene Kelly, Roi Louis Xvi, Michel Rocard, Jacques Weber. |
- Kelly, Gene
- Bryant, Kobe
- Long, Shelley
- Wallace, Rowena
- Van Praagh, James
- Alberts, A.
- Massara, Indiana
- Miller, Stephen
- Mattel, Trixie
- Wilson, Pete
- Rypdal, Terje
- Van Houten, Leslie
- Karnazes, Dean
- Costanza, Chrissy
- Knoche, Grant
- Alexander, Lexi
- Phoenix, River
- McBride, Patricia
- Pavone, Rita
- Nissen, Kyle
Mercredi 23 ao�t :
Demain :
- Premier Quartier (distance : 383.484 km - diam�tre apparent : 31'09''), � 09h57 UTC
Mercury Station
During this period, it is undesirable to prepare and sign documents. You should be ready for obstacles, delays and cancellation of deals.
It is better to begin business only a few days after the given period ends.
Retrograde Venus
This is an unfavorable time for large purchases, transactions, opening of commercial projects, and recruiting new employees. Do not make important decisions concerning personal property, real estate or finance.
It is better to begin business only a few days after the given period ends.
1st Degree of Virgo
Sabian Symbol:
A man's head is revealed; it is a portrait in which the artist has sought to idealize the best of human character.
19th Degree of Scorpio
Sabian Symbol:
A wise old parrot has been listening attentively to the conversation and preening himself; now he begins to talk.
22nd Degree of Virgo
Sabian Symbol:
Upon rich velvet in a case, at an exhibition, is an exquisitely wrought miniature; a jewel-set royal coat-of-arms.
15th Degree of Leo
Sabian Symbol:
The great American carnival, Mardi Gras at New Orleans, is seen with a wealth of floats, decorations and merriment.
28th Degree of Virgo
Sabian Symbol:
A bald-headed man in uniform completely dominates an assembly of men, diplomats, scientists, and industrialists.
16th Degree of Taurus
Sabian Symbol:
An old man is attempting with a degree of success unsuspected by him to reveal the Mysteries to a motley group.
5th Degree of Pisces
Sabian Symbol:
Through the spacious grounds of the church are strung Japanese lanterns for a bazaar of merry hearts and faces.
24th Degree of Taurus
Sabian Symbol:
A mounted Indian brave rides proudly with human scalps as trophies at his belt.
27th Degree of Pisces
Sabian Symbol:
The harvest moon rises superbly in the east and the light of day is shamed by the colors of an autumnal evening.
29th Degree of Capricorn
Sabian Symbol:
Afternoon tea is served in a gypsy parlor patronized by socialites and here a young lady reads tea leaves.
20th Degree of Aries
Sabian Symbol:
A young girl is seen feeding the swans in a sheltered public park.
4th Degree of Leo
Sabian Symbol:
An elderly man in evening clothes, of poised and military bearing, stands alone before a lovely mounted moose head.
21st Degree of Virgo
Sabian Symbol:
A large cheerful but bare room holds two teams of fresh young girls engaged in a laughing game of basketball.
Soleil | 0 | 3' 0" | ||
Lune | 18 | 13'34" | ||
Mercure | 21 | 50'40" | ||
Vénus | 14 | 52'40"r | ||
Mars | 27 | 21'42" | ||
Jupiter | 15 | 20'17" | ||
Saturne | 4 | 7'53"r | ||
Uranus | 23 | 3'42" | ||
Neptune | 26 | 59' 3"r | ||
Pluton | 28 | 24'21"r | ||
Noeud Vrai | 26 | 26'16" | ||
Chiron | 19 | 33'35"r |
Mercredi 23 Aout 2023 12h30 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Virgo 0-1° – Sabian symbol 151"A man’s head" |
Mer, Aug 23, 2023
Sunrise 06:51 |
Sunset 20:52 |
Twilight ends 22:54 begins 04:47 |
Rise | Culm. | Set | |
Sun | 06:51 | 13:52 | 20:52 |
Moon | 14:23 | 18:57 | 23:21 |
Civil | Naut. | Astr. | |
Twilight ends | 21:25 | 22:07 | 22:54 |
Astr. | Naut. | Civil | |
Twilight begins | 04:47 | 05:34 | 06:16 |
The Planets | |||
Rise | Culm. | Set | |
Mercury | 09:04 | 15:06 | 21:09 |
Venus | 06:00 | 12:44 | 19:27 |
Mars | 09:20 | 15:33 | 21:45 |
Jupiter | 23:21 | 06:37 | 13:53 |
Saturn | 21:03 | 02:12 | 07:20 |
Uranus | 23:35 | 07:07 | 14:39 |
Neptune | 21:43 | 03:36 | 09:28 |
7 days old
7th Lunar Day 14:24
This Lunar Day is propitious to results obtained through one's efforts, material comfort, but also handing in one's notice, disappointments.
Waxing Crescent
A good time for long-term partnership and for starting the implementation of far-reaching plans.
Moon in Scorpio 18:15
Suitable energy for cleansing, getting rid of the old, spring cleaning, rubbish removal, recycling, nursing, practical and emotional support, midwifery, partnership in business, profound talks, sharing secrets, healing old wounds, cultivating psychic powers, studying occult subjects. Purchase of insurance policies, underwear, hygiene articles, medicines, medical equipment, payment of bills, fees and taxes, collecting debts. Unfavorable time to start a new business.
Jour lunaire 8
Une journée propice aux voyages, en particulier un voyage d'affaires ou un long voyage. La tradition védique recommande cette journée pour de nombreuses choses différentes, y compris l'art, les activités physiques et toute entreprise liée à la propriété. On pense également que c'est l'un des meilleurs jours pour tout type de début. Cependant, cela pourrait être une journée critique pour ceux qui sont malades.
Vronski :
Le huitième jour sera fructueux pour les voyages et déplacements, pour les voyages d'affaires et les déménagements. L'enfant né ce jour-là ne sera pas destiné à avoir une beauté extérieure, donc ce n'est que par son intellect et ses connaissances, par sa bonne volonté et son travail assidu qu'il attirera l'attention sur lui-même. Pour les personnes qui sont tombées malades ce jour-là, la maladie peut s'avérer assez dangereuse. On peut faire confiance aux rêves, dans la plupart des cas.
Symbole — un phénix. Le jour de la pénitence, de l'absolution, de la purification par le feu, de l'alchimie. On peut jeûner, purger son estomac et ses intestins. Il est bon de préparer des remèdes pour toutes les maladies. Il ne faut pas être dissolu ou égoïste.
Lunar Mansion 19, Al-Shaulah (La piqûre)
21° 25' 43'' Scorpion – 4° 17' 09'' Sagittaire
Bon pour
Agriculture et jardinage. Actions agressives. Chasse.
Pas bon pour
Affaires et commerce. Amitié. La famille compte. Voyager par mer.
Bataille et siège. Perte et tristesse.
Des avis
Warnock : Al-Shaulah est de bon augure pour le placement d'armées à l'extérieur des villes et leur progression, ainsi que pour l'augmentation des récoltes. C'est de mauvais augure pour la libération et les navires.
Warnock : Propice à la bataille et au siège, ce manoir indique que nous devons être stables et affirmés pour atteindre nos objectifs, et que nous devrons peut-être être conflictuels. Cela peut également signaler le début de disputes et de conflits, et nous avertir que nous nous comportons de manière trop agressive ou argumentative.
Warnock : Al-Shaulah porte également l'association de Mars avec le sang et du Scorpion avec les organes génitaux. Dans une question concernant la grossesse ou la naissance, ce manoir donne une indication négative. Mais en revanche, cela pourrait indiquer une résolution positive des problèmes d'aménorrhée.
Warnock : À un niveau plus subtil, ce manoir peut indiquer un besoin de reconnaître les cycles naturels de nos vies, que nous ne devons pas bloquer le flux et le reflux normaux des événements. Ce manoir évoque des sentiments de perte et de tristesse, des sentiments qui sont inévitables dans la vie, mais que nous éviterions si nous avions le choix. Lorsque ce manoir apparaît, nous pouvons nous préparer à la douleur et au chagrin qu'il présage, confiants qu'il y a un but et un ordre, et que notre souffrance actuelle passera.
Warnock : ...Pour que les hommes voyagent mieux à travers les routes et les villages, augmentent les récoltes, ...pour hâter les règles des femmes.
Volguine : Les fluides doivent être évités ; il est préférable de ne rien entreprendre pour le moment.
Volguine : Favorable à la chasse et aux idées personnelles, mais défavorable au commerce et à la fixité de résidence.
Volguine : Favorise ceux qui travaillent pour les autres plutôt que les employeurs et les indépendants ; c'est aussi un bon présage pour les revenus vers la fin de la vie.
Volguine : Défavorable aux amitiés et aux enfants et provoquant la séparation du natif de ses enfants ou de ses parents.
Agrippa : Il aide à assiéger des villes et à prendre des villes, à chasser des hommes de leurs lieux, à détruire des marins et à perdition des captifs.
Ashmole 396 : Quand la Lune est dans ce Manoir, assiégez les châteaux, plaidez votre adversaire. Faites votre voyage. Mettez pas à garder. Semer et planter. Qui prend une femme, il ne lui trouvera pas de servante. N'achetez pas de serviteurs. N'entrez pas dans un navire, car il risque d'être brisé. Ne prenez aucune nouvelle communion. Méfiez-vous de ne pas être capturé.
Rise | Set | |
Mercury | 09:04 | 21:08 |
Venus | 05:59 | 19:27 |
Moon | 14:23 | 23:21 |
Mars | 09:22 | 21:46 |
Jupiter | 23:21 | 13:53 |
Saturn | 21:03 | 07:20 |
August 23 2023
12:32 PM Time Zone is CEDT
Applying Sun Opposite Saturn
This is a time of delays and a time to cool off. Conditions favor a cautious approach, limited offensives, and careful policy testing. It’s not the best time to begin new projects. Leaders may experience responsibility crises, blockages, and losses. Intense organizational efforts will pay off later.
Applying Moon Sextile Mercury
Feelings and emotions are expressed easily now. It’s a good time for meetings with females.
Applying Mercury Trine Uranus
Progressive decisions and agreements are reached now. Strikes, rallies, and protests are successful now. Innovations make news.
Venus void in Leo
Strong emotions precipitate action. Risks are taken that may not be supported by others. Impulsive decisions later prove troublesome. Matters of love and sex seem compulsive. In general, emotional and cultural matters are important themes now.
Applying Mars Trine Pluto
Passions run high under this transit and daring actions are often a response. Situations can become intense as extremists take the field and push the limits. Takeovers are often successful under this transit.
Applying Jupiter Conjunct Uranus
Unusual and interesting trends get attention during this transit. It’s even possible that a kind of revolution, or at least a liberation of ideas, may occur now. Positive developments, changes, and reversals may be happening in many fields, including religion, sports, law, and transportation. Court rulings made now will be perceived as progressive, if not controversial.
Saturn void in Pisces
Formalities are the rule; traditions are maintained. Groups of old friends, family, and comrades assemble to remember the past. Conservatism rules; experiments fail. At this time leaders are under pressure and laws are put into effect. It’s a time for staying with tradition and not experimenting with new forms of social behaviors. The past triumphs.
Uranus void in Taurus
Actions are unconventional, radical, or surprising. Not everyone agrees on how things should go, therefore there is discord within groups. Others, who have a specific agenda, persevere to make their point despite fierce opposition. Social conditions are volatile now. The bottom could fall out. It’s a time for experimentation and deviant behaviors. Sudden, unusual, and disruptive conditions occur now that reveal deep inequalities in society and culture.
Applying Neptune Sextile Uranus
Social movements that are ideologically driven make news by inciting episodes. Systems and structures collapse or weaken.
Applying Pluto Trine Uranus
This transit suggests a deep social need for reform and change which may come only after a struggle. People are strongly motivated to change attitudes toward traditional values and they will crusade actively for this.
*Conjunctions to Select Fixed Stars on August 23, 2023.**
Aspects to Sun 00°Vi16 +11°22′
conjunct 00°Vi09 REGULUS*** Majestic, success, (revenge)
Aspects to Mercury 21°Vi51 -00°27′
conjunct 21°Vi56 DENEBOLA To go against society
Aspects to Venus 14°Le46 +08°41′
conjunct 15°Le31 DUBHE Loving but forceful
Aspects to Jupiter 15°Ta20 +15°12′
conjunct 14°Ta39 MENKAR — A victim of the Unconscious
Aspects to Saturn 04°Pi06 -11°39′
conjunct 04°Pi11 FOMALHAUT *** Success through noble ideals.
(0° orb)
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Astrology of Today – Wednesday, August 23, 2023
Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Scorpio.
- There is no void Moon period today.
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Crescent phase.
- The New Moon occurred on the 16th in the sign of Leo, and the First Quarter Moon will occur tomorrow.
- Mercury stations and turns retrograde today (Mercury is retrograde from August 23rd to September 15th).
- Venus is retrograde (Venus is retrograde from July 22nd to September 3rd).
- Venus Rx, Saturn Rx, Neptune Rx, Pluto Rx, Chiron Rx.
- The Sun enters Virgo today (the Sun is in Virgo from August 23rd to September 23rd).
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Date & Time: Aug 23 2023 0:00 am
Event: Moon in Scorpio
Description: The Moon in Scorpio
Contemplate the deeper things in life. Avoid unnecessary conflict, but if it’s going to improve your life, go ahead and make waves. Tune in to your intuition. This is a good time for investigations, looking into a matter further, doing research, connecting to others with a shared passion, solving a mystery, and devising a strategy. When the Moon in Scorpio is strained, we may take our passions too far.
Date & Time: Aug 23 2023 0:09 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqr Ven
Description: Transiting Moon Square Transiting Venus
Romantic matters can be unsettled, or we can be a little insecure in our relationships. It can be difficult to show restraint. An indulgent, moody time. Hypersensitivity.
Date & Time: Aug 23 2023 0:47 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Opp Jup
Description: Transiting Moon Opposition Transiting Jupiter
We could be suffering the consequences of recent excesses. We might be stirred to make a promise or a statement, but it could be over the top or unrealistic. Differences of opinion could be an issue now. It can be difficult to be objective.
Date & Time: Aug 23 2023 1:52 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Cpl Ura
Description: Transiting Moon ContraParallel Transiting Uranus
Date & Time: Aug 23 2023 5:20 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Cpl Ves
Description: Transiting Moon ContraParallel Transiting Vesta
Date & Time: Aug 23 2023 8:45 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Qnx Chi
Description: Transiting Moon Quincunx Transiting Chiron
Hurt feelings may be opportunities for healing. Now is the time for building bridges, not burning them.
Date & Time: Aug 23 2023 10:10 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sxt Pal
Description: Transiting Moon Sextile Transiting Pallas
There is a good ability to successfully combine logic and intuition, and to understand problems taking into account the human element. There is sensitivity to people’s issues now. Cooperation. Effective, sensitive decision making.
Date & Time: Aug 23 2023 1:03 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sxt Mer
Description: Transiting Moon Sextile Transiting Mercury
Ideas flow freely. We express feelings with clarity and thoughts with sensitivity. An excellent time for cooperative projects. A good time for taking tests, writing, promoting, public speaking, and studying.
Date & Time: Aug 23 2023 3:18 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Opp Ura
Description: Transiting Moon Opposition Transiting Uranus
Life may be a little tense right now. Avoid willful behavior if the situation doesn’t call for it. Remain open to new possibilities and all will be revealed. There could be a surprising revelation or turning point. Unpredictable responses from others (and ourselves). Emotional eruptions are possible. Not a good time to make permanent decisions, particularly about relationships.
Date & Time: Aug 23 2023 4:27 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Qnx Ves
Description: Transiting Moon Quincunx Transiting Vesta
Date & Time: Aug 23 2023 9:34 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Qnx Nod
Description: Transiting Moon Quincunx Transiting North Node
There may be the need to pause to adjust things before moving plans forward. We could feel at odds with others on an emotional level. Public relations are not as favorable now.
Date & Time: Aug 23 2023 10:32 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Tri Nep
Description: Transiting Moon Trine Transiting Neptune
This is a feel-good time if we allow ourselves to relax and tune into the subtle aspects of life – art, nature, beauty, dreams, and spiritual realms. We absorb things easily, our senses are in good form, and we more naturally accept things and people as they are. There is no need to look for definite answers right now.
Date & Time: Aug 23 2023 5:01 am
Event: Tr-Tr Sun Cnj Vir
Description: Transiting Sun Entering Virgo
Time for logic and focus on details. Be discriminating but not critical.
Date & Time: Aug 23 2023 3:59 pm
Event: Tr Mer R
Description: Transiting Mercury Stationary
Date & Time: Aug 23 2023 1:01 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Sat Qnx Jun
Description: Transiting Saturn Quincunx Transiting Juno.
Meticulous, discriminating, pure, practical, health conscious, hard working. Can be hyper-critical, petty and perfectionistic.
Intense, magnetic, penetrating perception, the power to confront. Can be destructive, vengeful, jealous, dramatic.
Today’s Elemental Balance
We are not very goal-oriented right now, or motivation to pursue our goals may be waning/lacking. Changes feel overwhelming. Enthusiasm may be low, we argue less, and we think more than we take action.
Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. We are especially in touch with the physical world. We consider what we’ve learned and experienced in the past in order to make the most of the present. We can be cautious, practical, and possibly unimaginative. We are deliberate and can pace ourselves well. We need hands-on experience and are not impressed with theory as much as we are with results. Routines are tolerable and comforting.
We may have a difficult time being objective or detached. We may not be especially communicative.
Today’s Modal Balance
This is not a time that we tend to naturally initiate actions. We may be stronger at following up than starting anew. Survival mechanisms may be weaker now.
The Mutable signs are Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini, and Virgo. We are flexible, adaptable, willing, open to change, and possibly flighty or nervous.
Today’s Lunar Phase
Moon 45 to 90 degrees ahead of the Sun.
This is an eager, impulsive, and progressive time. We are motivated and ready to take on challenges.
Whether it’s passion, elation, sorrow, or desire, emotions are felt on a deeply personal level. The Moon in Scorpio urges us to uncover our own power, and it’s an excellent time to rid ourselves of old fears and limiting habits. It can be an intimate and passionate time. Avoid manipulative tactics, brooding, and suspiciousness.
Part of Body: Ethmoid bone
Sabian Symbol: Hunters starting out for ducks.
SEXTILE MERCURY Orb 0°33′ Applying
Ideas flow freely. We express feelings with clarity and thoughts with sensitivity. An excellent time for cooperative projects. A good time for taking tests, writing, promoting, public speaking, and studying, all things equal.
OPPOSITION JUPITER Orb 5°56′ Separating
We may be going overboard or to excess now. Emotional restlessness, high expectations. Difficulties focusing on responsibilities; difficulties prioritzing. We are looking for fun or for something to celebrate, and turn to others to share our good feelings.
OPPOSITION URANUS Orb 1°46′ Applying
We can be moody, swinging between wanting to belong and wanting to be different or independent. We can feel a little off-balance if schedules and people around us are unpredictable or changing; or, we are restless with the usual routine and want to create some kind of stir.
TRINE NEPTUNE Orb 5°41′ Applying
We are turning into the subtle aspects of life – art, nature, beauty, dreams, and spiritual realms. We more naturally accept situations and people as they are. Sensitivity, compassion.
QUINCUNX CHIRON Orb 1°43′ Separating
We could be misjudging our sensitivity levels and making poor choices as a result. Decisions made now may not reflect our hearts, and can be regrettable later on.
This is a good time for taking care of business, getting organized, discriminating, analyzing, taking care of health, and paying better attention to daily routines.
Part of Body: Duodenum
Sabian Symbol: In a portrait the best of a man’s traits are idealized.
OPPOSITION SATURN Orb 3°49′ Applying
We may feel that forces are against us. Others may seem restrictive. We can feel temporarily blocked or thwarted, and possibly less than confident. We might want to delay important decision making until a more enlightened, positive time. A reality check now can be very helpful even if it feels overwhelming at first.
QUINCUNX PLUTO Orb 1°52′ Separating
We could have a hard time deciding how to proceed about a matter. There may be a moral dilemma now, or a tough decision between taking the high road or the low road. We may be resisting change that is necessary in order to move forward or let go of something. We may be in denial about our own personal power or ambition.
We’re more focused on precision, attention to detail, and practical affairs. We’re inclined to pick problems apart. We’re discriminating and critical.
Part of Body: Gall-bladder
Sabian Symbol: A royal coat of arms.
CONJUNCTION MARS Orb 5°39′ Separating
Questions are raised, discussions can become heated, and there can be nervous excitement now. Enthusiasm is strong, particularly for ideas and topics. Impulsive speech or other communications, and possibly lacking in sensitivity. Resourcefulness.
TRINE JUPITER Orb 6°30′ Applying
Good judgment. Taking in the full picture. Speculative thought. Positive thinking. Interest in learning. Teaching.
TRINE URANUS Orb 1°12′ Applying
We are mentally alert and aware, and might be experimenting or opening our minds to new ideas. We could be feeling inspired, and our thinking is inventive. Varying our usual routine may be rewarding.
Our minds open to many different possibilities and options. We can feel inspired or we might be thinking in imaginative or possibly impractical ways. We see beyond physical or material concerns and solutions. There is extra sensitivity now. We may be dealing with deceptions or self-deceptions, and it can be difficult to be discriminating. We may not be seeing the obvious, and instead are imagining more complicated scenarios.
TRINE PLUTO Orb 6°33′ Applying
This is a good time for serious and determined study and investigation. We are drawn to looking for truths and to unexplored topics and ideas.
We take more pride in our tastes, relationships, and personal possessions. We are more affectionate, expressive, and generous, and we tend to crave admiration and appreciation.
Part of Body: Right atrium
Sabian Symbol: A street pageant.
SQUARE JUPITER Orb 0°34′ Separating
We are easily distracted, craving pleasure or leisure. We may be overdoing things, overselling ourselves, overbuying, or overstating our affections. There can be a lack of self-discipline now. However, we can also push ourselves to reach a little further than we usually do, particularly on a social level.
TRINE CHIRON Orb 4°46′ Separating
Opportunities for relationships or socializing can arise now. Interactions are open, warm, and supportive of growth.
You will pursue your personal desires in a practical and methodical manner. You may be critical if opposed.
Part of Body: Hepatic plexus
Sabian Symbol: A bald-headed man dominates gathering of national figures.
TRINE URANUS Orb 4°27′ Separating
It’s easy and natural to break through obstacles, to find alternative methods of going after what we want, and to take progressive action or to take the lead. There is more courage, confidence, and energy available to us. We embrace change, progress, and new methods.
OPPOSITION NEPTUNE Orb 0°32′ Separating
This is a time for resting, escaping, or taking a break as we reconsider our needs. We might temporarily lose focus or direction.
TRINE PLUTO Orb 0°53′ Applying
Ambitions and determination increase to pursue our goals. It’s easier to see what we want and to devise a plan to pursue it. We may be focusing on redoing or reworking something from the ground up.
You are on a persistent search for the truth. You have the ability to be a loyal and wise teacher. You have a strong desire for abundance.
Part of Body: Carotid arteries
Sabian Symbol: An old man attempting vainly to reveal the mysteries.
You are enthusiastic about new ideas and are always keen to learn. You do not take well to restriction. The occult may appeal to you or you may prefer computing.
Acompassionate and intuitive worker, although sometimes anxious and fearful. Strong karma to be worked through. A time to assess our dreams, mental health systems, and sense of compassion and empathy. (Saturn is in Pisces from March 7th, 2023, to May 24th, 2025, and then from September 1st, 2025, to February 13th, 2026).
Part of Body: Right cuboid bone
Sabian Symbol: A church bazaar.
(1934 – 1942) We approach money and personal possessions in new ways and learn how to free ourselves from certain material constraints. Innovative ways to make ourselves comfortable emerge. We’re less inhibited about expressing sensuality, self-love, body love, and pampering. We’re challenging what we previously valued. There can be abrupt changes with money, valuables, possessions, and income that lead to a reshuffling of priorities or values. Income might come from non-traditional sources or ventures. We’re bringing progressive ideas to the world of business. New ways of doing business, as well as making, viewing, and handling money are likely. Income and the energy we put into making money can be variable. (May 15, 2018, to November 6, 2018, then March 6, 2019, to July 7, 2025, and then November 7, 2025, to April 25, 2026).
Part of Body: Upper jaw
Sabian Symbol: A warrior rides proudly.
TRINE PLUTO Orb 5°20′ Applying
Your generation is full of ideals for a better society. You accept social change and work to bring it about. You will fight against injustice.
A long-term influence in which fantasy, imagination, compassion, and spirituality are in stronger focus. (April 4, 2011, to August 4, 2011, then February 3, 2012, to March 30, 2025, then October 22, 2025, to January 26, 2026)
Part of Body: Phalanges of the right foot
Sabian Symbol: A harvest moon.
SEXTILE PLUTO Orb 1°25′ Separating
You belong to a generation which is able to bring about social change. You are part of the changes in government and the approach to human rights. Spirituality and the occult are given more credence or power. Alternatively, some of your generation will choose to drop out of the system.
Tests of our boundaries; breaking down and rebuilding structures and rules. (From January 25, 2008, to June 14, 2008, then November 26, 2008, to March 23, 2023, then June 11, 2023, to January 20, 2024, then September 1, 2024, to November 19, 2024).
Part of Body: Left genicular arteries
Sabian Symbol: A woman reading tea leaves.
Your sense of being has been violated in some way and you may fear asserting yourself. You may also over-compensate by attempting to be the first at everything. Physically you may suffer head wounds. You may become a pioneer in a way that will be of service to humanity.
Part of Body: Hyoid bone
Sabian Symbol: A child feeding birds in winter.
Networking and coordinating are two key factors in your work. You enjoy communicating and exchanging information, particularly at work. You have a tendency to avoid emotions, in favor of intellectual conversations. You may be a committed writer.
Part of Body: Olecranon
Sabian Symbol: Children skating on ice.
You have an analytical mind which you can apply to detailed and exhaustive projects. Your powers of discrimination are strong. You also have executive abilities. You may become involved in the field of health.
Part of Body: Cystic duct
Sabian Symbol: A girl’s basketball team.
Our egos are heavily invested in our relationships during this cycle. We want to take pride in them, and we want to enjoy them fully.
Part of Body: Right carotid artery
Sabian Symbol: Rock formations at the edge of a precipice.
You feel cared for when your loved ones create an atmosphere of peace and beauty. You like to co-operate with those close to you.
Part of Body: Renal hilum
Sabian Symbol: A crowd upon a beach.
Part of Body: Myocardium
Sabian Symbol: As light breaks through the clouds, a perfect rainbow forms.
Part of Body: Skull
Sabian Symbol: A man possessed of more gifts than he can hold.
This is a quest to become assertive and self-empowered. You have a tendency to be indecisive, always considering the needs of others first. Now you need to discover a sense of your own identity and initiate your own projects.
Part of Body: Fornix/frontal bone
Sabian Symbol: Through imagination, a lost opportunity is regained.
This is a quest to become assertive and self-empowered. You have a tendency to be indecisive, always considering the needs of others first. Now you need to discover a sense of your own identity and initiate your own projects.
Part of Body: Vascular system of skin
Sabian Symbol: An airplane hovering overhead.
Aujourd'hui19° / 32°
Risque de pluie : 0% - Humi. : 71% Vent :Nord-Nord-Est - 12 km/h Lever : 06:54 - Coucher : 20:52 Clair |
BELIER En ce moment, les plaisirs et les jeux amoureux tiennent beaucoup de place dans votre vie. Des secrets de l'alc�ve aux confessions intimes, vous vivez tout cela intens�ment. | BALANCE En ce moment, vous pensez � augmenter vos gains ou � vous acheter ce qui pourrait vous faire plaisir. Mais pensez tout de m�me � vos amis. Qui donne re�oit! | ||
TAUREAU Les humeurs de votre partenaire vous agacent ou vous irritent? Sans doute faut-il remettre en question certains de vos comportements comme la bouderie ou le laisser aller... | SCORPION C'est la p�riode de l'ann�e o� vous pouvez donner le meilleur de vous-m�me sur le plan social. Chassez donc ces pens�es n�gatives et continuez de progresser. | ||
GEMEAUX Aujourd'hui, vous �tes � la fois au four et au moulin! N'en faites pas trop, votre sant� risque d'en p�tir. En revanche, vous pouvez r�organiser votre emploi du temps. | SAGITTAIRE Si vous avez besoin de faire le point dans le calme et le silence, accordez-vous un peu de temps en vous ressour�ant � la montagne ou � la campagne. Cool... | ||
CANCER Aujourd'hui, vous pouvez allier vos dons inn�s et votre pouvoir de cr�ation. Si vous n'�tes pas artiste, faites-vous plaisir en �coutant votre musique pr�f�r�e. | CAPRICORNE L'un de vos amis vous cause sans doute quelques soucis et vous ne savez pas comment lui venir en aide. Si vos moyens vous le permettent, donnez-lui un coup de pouce. | ||
LION Gr�ce � votre autorit� et au dynamisme qui �manent de vous, vous vous faites ais�ment remarquer, surtout au sein de votre propre famille. Mais n'en faites pas trop! | VERSEAU Si vos objectifs ne sont toujours pas atteints, ce n'est pas une raison pour faire porter le chapeau � votre partenaire ou � vos collaborateurs! | ||
VIERGE Votre voisinage ou un membre de votre famille vous confie ses difficult�s et vous n'�tes pas au mieux de votre forme pour l'�pauler. Faites une m�ditation... | POISSONS Une formation ou un stage de perfectionnement peuvent vous permettre de monter d'un �chelon sur le plan professionnel. Soyez disponible et serviable. |
This week: The Sun is in Leo until August 23rd, when the Sun enters Virgo; Mercury is in Virgo; Venus is in Leo; Mars is in Virgo.
The Sun is in Leo from July 22-August 23. In Leo, the Sun is proud, outgoing, and playful. The Leo Sun is intensely individual—not content with simply being just one of the team. It’s time to shine, add a touch of color and drama to our lives, and perform.
We’re blossoming–it’s a time when we want to enjoy ourselves and express ourselves. We are more generous and grand in our gestures and attitudes. On the shadow side, we can also be self-centered and vain.
While the Sun is in Leo, we take the high road, and we’re very often motivated by the idea of gaining respect and affection. We more naturally express joy, humor, and warmth during the Sun-in-Leo cycle. We also tend to take the lead or become the center of attention and activity.
The Sun is in Virgo from August 23-September 23. Our focus shifts to the puzzle pieces–the little details of our lives. It is now time to take care of practical concerns. Attending to the details of everyday life may not sound like loads of fun, but it can certainly free us from unnecessary stress that results from “collecting” odds and ends of unfinished business.
This is an ideal time to get organized, do detailed work, and improve communications on the job. We take more pride in our work, chores, and health efforts. We also want to be more organized and informed during the Sun-in-Virgo cycle.
We’re learning humility and the benefits of developing skills, some level of perfectionism, and the importance of attention to detail. It’s a time of down-to-earth practicality when we prefer to invest our time and energy in things with realistic potential. We’re not inclined to ambition or “going big.” Attracting prosperity involves honest, careful, and attentive work and dedication.
Mercury is in Virgo from July 28-October 4. [This transit is longer than usual due to the retrograde of Mercury in Virgo from August 23rd to September 15th.] When Mercury is in Virgo, precision in speech, thought, and process are more important to us. This is a time when we analyze and decide what is useful and what we deem to be impractical.
Mercury feels right at home in Virgo, one of the signs that it rules (Mercury rules both Gemini and Virgo). Dealing with details is natural and easy now. We need to be careful that we don’t lose perspective if we find ourselves lost in details, however.
While Mercury is in Virgo, we should also be aware of the possibility of expressing ourselves in a too factual manner, so much so that we come across as dry, critical, or unimaginative.
We gravitate to useful information, and we can enjoy helping others with our knowledge. It’s a time for analyzing and dissecting, but we need other influences to put the pieces together or to see the bigger picture as our confidence in so doing is not strong at this time. It’s a time of conservative thinking and a strong tendency to want facts and certainties.
Venus is in Leo from June 5-October 8. [This transit is longer than usual due to the retrograde of Venus in Leo from July 22nd to September 3rd.] Love is magnificent and grand while Venus is in Leo. We take pride in love, and we are generous with our money as well. This is a warmhearted, teasing, expressive, proud, and extravagant placement for Venus. Love is a bit of a game–a game that is perpetual, as Venus in Leo is forever stuck in the romance stage of a relationship. We feed on attention, acknowledgement, validation, and adoration.
Venus in Leo loves to be adored, pampered, and admired. Pride and passion are hallmarks of this cycle. We have a strong ego investment in our love lives during this period. The negative expression of this placement is overstating our feelings simply for the effect, as well as extravagance.
The Venus-in-Leo cycle can be a strong or profitable time for contests, lotteries, parties, recreation, drama, adornment, jewelry, costumes, art dealing, and all things golden. Generosity and warmth contribute to our ability to draw in the right resources. We can have a compelling desire to stand out, be remarkable, and feel special during this period.
Mars is in Virgo from July 10-August 27. In Virgo, Mars is somewhat of a workhorse. We have a passion for details, as well as a need to do the right thing at just the right time under this influence. The satisfaction of a job well done is one of your greatest incentives now. We are more precise and concerned about performance.
We’re more exacting and concerned with correctness and details in our work, output, or efforts. It’s a time of greater caution, skepticism, and discipline. We tend to focus on details and plans, sometimes losing sight of the bigger picture.
There can be a perfectionistic or workaholic streak. We have a greater interest in excelling or mastering a particular skill. Science and health are most appealing. This transit highlights work with details or requiring precision, such as surgery, bookkeeping, crafts, musical instruments, etc. It also spotlights attention to health and nutrition, the healing arts, and a great interest in how things work, techniques, mechanics, and systems.
It can be a time of irritability, tension, or nervousness. Attention to detail and technique is tremendous, although our vision or confidence may suffer if we limit ourselves. There can be competitive or inflamed situations with co-workers, work, routines, or healthcare.
Our standards for ourselves are high during this cycle, and we work hard to be accurate, precise, and efficient.
Jupiter is in Taurus.
Jupiter begins its transit of Taurus on May 16th, 2023, and it will continue its transit of the sign until May 25th, 2024. Read more about Jupiter’s transit of Taurus.
Saturn transits Pisces from March 7th, 2023 until May 24th, 2025, and Sep 1st, 2025, to Feb 13th, 2026. Read about Saturn’s transit of Pisces.
Uranus is in Taurus.
Uranus transits Taurus from May 15, 2018, to November 6, 2018, and then from March 6th, 2019, until 2025/6. We approach money and personal possessions in new ways and learn to free ourselves from certain material constraints. Innovative ways to make ourselves comfortable emerge. We’re less inhibited about expressing sensuality, self-love, body love, and pampering. Above all, we’re challenging what we previously valued during this cycle.
There can be abrupt changes with money, valuables, possessions, and income that lead to a reshuffling of priorities or values. Income might come from non-traditional sources or ventures. In general, we’re bringing progressive ideas to the world of business. New ways of doing business, as well as making, viewing, and handling money, are likely. Our income and the energy we put into making money can be variable.
Pluto transitions from Capricorn to Aquarius in 2023 and 2024. Read about Pluto’s transit of Aquarius. Pluto has retrograded back into Capricorn, and is in Capricorn until January 20th, 2024.
Romance & Relationships
Venus is in Leo from June 5-October 8. Love is magnificent and grand! We take pride in love, and we are generous with our money as well. This is a warmhearted, teasing, expressive, proud, and extravagant placement for Venus. Love is a bit of a game–a game that is perpetual, as Venus in Leo is forever stuck in the romance stage of a relationship. We feed on attention, acknowledgement, validation, and adoration.
Venus in Leo loves to be adored, pampered, and admired. Pride and passion are hallmarks of this cycle. We have a strong ego investment in our love lives during this period. The negative expression of this placement is overstating our feelings simply for the effect, as well as extravagance.
This week: Venus is retrograde from July 22nd to September 3rd, and things are changing. Venus-ruled endeavors, such as money, beauty, art, romance, and pleasure, become a little heavier, more prone to reassessment, review, and perhaps delay or a period of limbo. This Venus retrograde cycle lasts until September 3rd, and is a period in which we reevaluate or review our love life as well as the manner in which we receive, reveal, and express our affections. Thoughts turn to the past so that we can lay to rest unhealthy habits in these areas of life.
With Venus retrograde in Leo, we may question whether we’re getting the romance, ego boost, or attention we need from our relationships and experiences. Read more about Venus retrograde in Leo from July 22nd to September 3rd, 2023.
On Monday and Tuesday, we may be going overboard as we seek more meaning or new horizons. It’s wise to watch for overcommitting or overstating.
On Friday, there can be impulsiveness and impatience. Someone may be pushy or crude when we crave something more refined or subtle, or someone is being subtle when we crave a more straightforward approach. Still, we use our experiences to grow and improve. We discover that love can heal old wounds. We’re more willing to act on our feelings.
Venus, the Goddess of Love: Highlights in the Coming Week:
Venus in Leo Romance becomes an end in itself as a new cycle begins for you. It marks a time when love, creativity, and self-expression satisfy a deep yearning to be appreciated and admired – needed, even. A flashy, flirty, stylish splash of color and warmth.
Venus semi-sextile Mercury August 15. It may be all too easy to say things we don’t mean/feel.
Venus square Jupiter August 21-22. We experience a strong desire for more pleasure in our lives, which can be excessive. Take care not to overstate your feelings or to set up unrealistic expectations in your partnerships. As well, take what your partner says with a grain of salt. There is no malicious intent involved, but feelings of elation can cloud our judgment, and we can promise more than we can deliver.
Venus semi-square Mars August 25. Tensions in relationships. Attempting to satisfy romantic needs and assertive/sexual needs simultaneously can be challenging.
Venus parallel Chiron August 25. Healing energy is brought to love relationships, and a new cycle begins. A commitment-friendly transit. Love can heal old wounds. We are open to romantic feelings, and more willing to act upon them. This is a good time to make a resolution to repair, heal, and improve relationships.
Venus parallel Sun August 28. A strong desire for harmony and comfort fill us now. We may be moved to express our affections.
Sun quincunx Neptune. It can be difficult to concentrate and to formulate clear goals just now. Misconceptions abound. Fear of being ineffective can undermine our confidence when it comes to making clear or definite decisions, and for doing new things.
Sun quincunx Pluto. Adjustments are necessary now in order for our lives to move forward. The need to make changes in our life that will further our psychological development arise now.
Venus square Jupiter. Feelings of elation in love or with regards to the pleasures of life can lead us to overdo, overindulge, overspend, and overstate our feelings. Avoid hasty (or haughty!) decisions. We might take great strides to get noticed. Avoid impulsive buying. We may also feel lazy and we are inclined to procrastinate.
Mars opposition Neptune. This can be a confusing, devitalizing, and discouraging time. It seems that whatever we try to do goes nowhere or gets lost in a haze of misunderstanding. Taking time off, working quietly, or doing something primarily for the benefit of others without concern for personal gain is favored at this time. Disorganization, lack of drive, lack of forethought, impracticality, and carelessness characterize this energy. Energy and time are too easily wasted. Passive-aggressiveness. It’s hard to know what we want and where we’re headed under this influence.
Mars trine Pluto. This is a powerful aspect that helps us to focus on our goals, to take decisive action, and to go after what we want without stepping on others’ toes. We are willing to explore alternatives rather than simply relying on the tried and true. We are not afraid of a challenge and are willing to attempt to overcome obstacles. This is a strong energy for reworking or overhauling a project.
Venus semi-square Mars. Potential tensions in relationships. Attempting to satisfy romantic needs and assertive/sexual needs simultaneously can be challenging. Be wary of making impulse purchases. There is an air of competitiveness under this influence, which need not be difficult. It can be stimulating and invigorating.
02:14 VOC 02:14 - 03:57 03:57 18:30 20:44 Re:
01:37 02:18 15:44 21:15 VOC 21:15 - 24:00 Re:
VOC 00:00 - 03:05 03:05 11:55 15:04 Re:
01:20 03:16 15:38 23:00 Re:
01:21 VOC 01:21 - 03:18 1 03:18 Re:
01:41 20:37 Re:
00:02 04:14 VOC 04:14 - 06:24 2 06:24 15:50 Re:
05:12 08:15 10:33 14:51 23:50 Re: |
00:20 08:03 10:40 VOC 10:40 - 13:04 11:03 3 13:04 22:45 Re:
00:48 18:03 23:36 Re:
02:28 06:53 17:28 VOC 17:28 - 22:51 22:51 Re:
08:38 Re:
04:06 09:25 11:15 16:57 20:30 Re:
04:57 07:47 VOC 07:47 - 10:35 10:35 Re:
16:44 Re:
00:43 02:34 09:04 09:39 VOC 09:39 - 23:13 13:52 23:13 Re: |
08:31 Re:
05:47 17:07 21:50 Re:
00:56 05:59 08:51 VOC 08:51 - 11:52 11:52 Re:
20:06 Re:
20:17 20:32 VOC 20:32 - 23:21 23:21 Re:
07:28 12:27 20:32 Re:
04:07 04:44 09:00 16:57 19:15 Re:
02:30 04:05 05:11 VOC 05:11 - 08:06 08:06 09:50 15:23 Re: |
00:22 09:21 22:41 Re:
07:43 11:57 VOC 11:57 - 13:04 13:04 18:33 19:35 Re:
08:27 13:19 14:52 Re:
03:19 09:24 11:50 VOC 11:50 - 14:31 14:31 15:35 Re:
10:54 15:08 Re:
03:06 VOC 03:06 - 13:56 13:56 19:32 Re:
01:35 14:26 19:28 Re: |
Août 2023
Août LMMJVSD 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Jour = Lever de Lune en XII = ASC
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Cafe Astrology is run by Annie Heese. Annie has been a student of Astrology since the age of twelve. Twenty-five years later, she is still actively researching, studying, and using Astrology. She is frequently found with her nose buried in Astrology books, her faithful ephemeris by her side, scribbling in her notebook and on her printouts. Annie has long abandoned her career in Accounting and has since worked as a freelance writer for various online and print publications, as well as a reviewer of educational products. She is also a jewelry designer, incorporating handmade beads and gemstones into her handcrafted pieces.
Jardiner avec la Lune
Bien que nous ne réalisions pas toujours son ampleur, la Lune exerce une puissante influence sur la Terre. L’exemple le plus spectaculaire reste le phénomène des marées. Ce sont en effet des milliards de mètres cubes d’eau qui se déplacent quotidiennement sous la seule influence de la Lune. Les scientifiques ont d’ailleurs constaté que le phénomène des marées ne se limitait pas seulement aux masses océaniques mais agissait également sur la croûte terrestre. Celle-ci pouvant s’élever de plusieurs dizaines de centimètres lors de l’effet de marée montant.
Si l’effet semble moins visible, la Lune exerce toutefois une influence sur les êtres vivants également. Les végétaux, les animaux ainsi que les êtres humains sont eux aussi sujets aux rythmes lunaires. Les plantes et les animaux sont les plus sensibles et les plus réceptifs à l’influence des différents cycles lunaires, il est d’ailleurs possible de le vérifier en réalisant des essais comparatifs. L’être humain quant à lui ne se rend pas toujours compte des effets de la Lune sur son quotidien. Notre vie moderne a en effet peu à peu atténué notre sensibilité aux cycles naturels. Mais si nous semblons moins réceptifs aux mouvements lunaires, leur influence reste active et agit également sur de nombreux domaines nous concernant.
Tout au long de leur développement, les plantes sont naturellement sujettes aux cycles lunaires et planétaires. Dans le milieu naturel, elles s’accordent spontanément à ces différents cycles qui participent à leur environnement et viennent s’ajouter aux autres éléments essentiels à leur développement.
Dans les milieux recréés que sont nos jardins, le fait que nous décidions où et quand semer une plante fait que nous intervenons dans son processus naturel de développement. Bien que nous ne dénaturions pas réellement ce processus, nous interférons cependant sur le rythme de croissance de la plante. Ce dernier sera naturellement différent du rythme de croissance d’une plante se développant de manière spontanée.
Il est possible de stimuler la croissance d’une plante en prenant en compte les influences lunaires et planétaires lors des principales étapes de son développement (semis, repiquage, entretien). Une graine se développera différemment suivant le type de constellation (Fruits, Racines, Fleurs, Feuilles) lors de laquelle elle est semée. Lors de sa croissance, la plante se polarisera davantage sur la partie en relation avec la constellation. Une salade développera ainsi davantage sa partie foliaire si elle est semée en constellation Feuilles. En revanche, semée en constellation fleur, une salade se focalisera sur la production de semences et montera donc plus rapidement en graines. De même, pour une meilleure production, il préférable de semer les carottes lors d’une constellation Racines, de manière à ce que la plante privilégie cette partie lors de son développement. Dans cette optique, il devient donc intéressant de semer une plante en accord avec le type de constellation devant laquelle passera la Lune au moment du semis.
Mais les types de constellations ne sont pas les seuls facteurs déterminants et d’autres paramètres comme par exemple le cycle de la lune croissante/décroissante, montante/descendante, les nœuds lunaires, le périgée, les aspects planétaires, exercent également une tendance positive ou négative suivant les cas. Il est donc primordial de considérer l’ensemble de tous ces différents éléments et d’en faire la synthèse pour savoir si un moment donné est plus ou moins favorable voire défavorable pour semer une plante.
Dans le Calendrier Lunaire, retrouvez notre synthèse de toutes les différentes influences lunaires et planétaires au jour le jour :
Edité depuis 1978, le Calendrier Lunaire est le fruit de plus de 40 années de recherches et d’expérimentations sur les influences cosmiques. Synthèse d’un savoir astronomique et d’un savoir ancestral cet ouvrage propose une analyse très détaillée de toutes les influences lunaires et planétaires pour :
Jardiner avec la Lune… pour des plantes pleines de vitalité et des récoltes plus abondantes, le Calendrier Lunaire est le coup de pouce indispensable à votre jardin. Pour les légumes, les fruits, les fleurs, les arbres, mais aussi pour l’agriculture, les animaux, les abeilles, le vin, la bière, le bois, le gazon…
Vivre avec la Lune… pour des cheveux avec plus de vitalité, pour réduire leur chute, pour une épilation plus efficace, des ongles plus forts, une peau plus saine… Retrouvez les meilleures dates qui optimiseront les soins du corps ainsi que la santé en général.
When the Moon is in Libra
Creating order is the focus, not necessarily through tidying or organizing as was the case while the Moon was in Virgo, but rather through pleasing interactions with others and aesthetics in our environment. We tend to solve problems through diplomacy, and we are more able to put aside our own emotions in order to achieve the peace we crave. The tendency now is to avoid direct confrontations. Decisions do not come easily. Seeing both sides to any given situation is the main reason for hesitation. Fear of losing others' approval is another.
The Moon in Libra generally favors the following activities: Relationship and partnership issues, activities involving teamwork and cooperation, activities that involve self-examination, activities related to beauty.
When the Moon is in Scorpio
Intensity is what the Moon in Scorpio is all about. Whether it's passion, elation, sorrow, or desire, emotions are felt on a deeply personal level. We are motivated by the desire to get to the bottom of things, and we instinctively read between the lines. Superficiality won't work for us now. The Moon in Scorpio urges us to uncover our own power, and it's an excellent time to rid ourselves of old fears and limiting habits. It can be an intimate and passionate time. Avoid manipulative tactics, brooding, and suspiciousness.
The Moon in Scorpio generally favors the following activities: Taxes, accounting, intimacy issues, psychological examinations, research, self-examination, getting rid of old things.
When the Moon is in Sagittarius
The Moon is at her most optimistic and upbeat in Sagittarius. We are motivated by a need to seek the truth, and we are ready to pursue a new vision. We are not interested in details just now. Instead, we focus on the big picture. New experiences and adventures satisfy a deep emotional need. Spontaneity is the key. We may also be inclined toward overdoing and overstating. We don't want to plan ahead, and prefer to "wing it".
The Moon in Sagittarius generally favors the following activities: Adventurous activities that involve "winging it", travel, higher education, starting publishing projects, advertising, sports, physical activity.
When the Moon is in Capricorn
We become aware of the need for structure and planning ahead. We also instinctively are aware of the limitations of time. We are motivated by a desire for success. Achievement and manifestation are most important to us now. We are resourceful and don't want to waste time, energy, or resources. This can be a very sober influence--even a depressing one. However, it can also be a productive time when we look reality in the eye.
The Moon in Capricorn generally favors the following activities: Long-term activities that yield slow but steady results, practical undertakings, career issues, making a business plan, practical investments.
Date | Moon Aspects and Ingresses | Chart | |
Aug 1, 02:12 | 28°53 | Pluto | chart |
Aug 1, 03:57 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Aquarius | chart |
Aug 1, 18:31 | 09°15 | Full Moon | chart |
Aug 3, 03:05 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Pisces | chart |
Aug 3, 11:52 | 05°33 | Saturn | chart |
Aug 4, 22:59 | 27°22 | Neptune | chart |
Aug 5, 03:19 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Aries | chart |
Aug 7, 06:24 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Taurus | chart |
Aug 8, 08:10 | 14°23 | Jupiter | chart |
Aug 8, 23:50 | 22°54 | Uranus | chart |
Aug 9, 13:04 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Gemini | chart |
Aug 11, 22:51 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Cancer | chart |
Aug 14, 10:35 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Leo | chart |
Aug 16, 00:43 | 18°53 | Venus | chart |
Aug 16, 09:37 | 23°17 | New Moon | chart |
Aug 16, 23:13 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Virgo | chart |
Aug 18, 17:08 | 20°42 | Mercury | chart |
Aug 19, 00:57 | 24°34 | Mars | chart |
Aug 19, 11:53 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Libra | chart |
Aug 21, 23:21 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Scorpio | chart |
Aug 24, 08:07 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Sagittarius | chart |
Aug 26, 13:05 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Capricorn | chart |
Aug 28, 11:48 | 28°18 | Pluto | chart |
Aug 28, 14:31 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Aquarius | chart |
Aug 30, 13:56 | 00°00 | Enters 0° Pisces | chart |
Aug 30, 19:32 | 03°34 | Saturn | chart |
Aug 31, 01:35 | 07°25 | Full Moon | chart |
Mercury retrograde phases in 2023:
In 2023, Mercury is retrograde from:
- December 29, 2022 to January 18, 2023 (in Capricorn),
- April 21 to May 14 (in Taurus),
- August 23 to September 15 (in Virgo).
- and then December 13, 2023, to January 1, 2024, (in Capricorn and Sagittarius).
Venus Retrograde in 2023
What is Venus Retrograde? Occasionally, Venus appears to be moving backward in the sky. “Appears” is the keyword here, because, technically speaking, no planet actually moves backward in their orbits around the Sun. In fact, they don’t even slow down. Retrograde-station-direct cycles are essentially illusions that result from our point of view from Earth, simply because the Earth is also orbiting the Sun at a different speed than the other planets. Venus is Retrograde approximately 40-43 days every 18 months.
As the planet of love and values, Venus retrograde periods are times when we re-assess what–and who–we value. It is a period that most astrologers consider inopportune for getting married or starting a new relationship. Brand new financial undertakings are not advised during this period as well. There may be delays or confusion in relationships and financial affairs. Read more about Venus Retrograde cycles.
In 2023, Venus has a retrograde cycle, as follows:
Venus Retrograde Cycle from July 22nd to September 3rd, 2023, in the sign of Leo:
- Venus enters retrograde zone/shadow on June 19, 2023, at 12° Leo 12′
- Venus stations and turns retrograde on July 22, 2023, at 28° Leo 36′ Rx
- Venus stations and turns direct on September 3, 2023, at 12° Leo 12′
- Venus leaves retrograde zone/shadow on October 7, 2023, at 28° Leo 36′
[The last Venus retrograde before the above cycle occurred from December 19, 2021, to January 29, 2022 in Capricorn; the next Venus retrograde after this one is from March 1 to April 12, 2025 in Aries and Pisces.]
Mars Retrograde in 2023
What is Mars Retrograde? Occasionally, Mars appears to be moving backward in the sky. “Appears” is the keyword here, because, technically speaking, no planet actually moves backward in their orbits around the Sun. In fact, they don’t even slow down. Retrograde-station-direct cycles are essentially illusions that result from our point of view from Earth, simply because the Earth is also orbiting the Sun at a different speed than the other planets. Mars is Retrograde approximately 58-81 days every 2+ years.
When Mars is in its retrograde cycle, we are forced to re-assess our current projects, our approach to getting what we want, and our desire nature. Rather than directly asserting our desires, we tend towards introspection.
While Mars in direct motion is direct, straightforward, assertive, and aggressive, with Mars in retrograde motion, Mars energy is essentially turned inward–it’s internalized, intensified, personalized, and perhaps pressurized. We can be hesitant about taking action, second-guessing our instincts or our natural impulses rather than acting upon them. The way we react to situations under normal conditions doesn’t necessarily work for us now, or we don’t exactly trust it… Read more about Mars Retrograde cycles.
In 2023, we experience only the tail-end of a Mars retrograde cycle until January 12th 2023–a cycle that began in October 2022.
Mars is retrograde from October 30, 2022, to January 12, 2023, in the sign of Gemini.
- September 3, 2022, Mars enters the Retrograde Zone at 8° Gemini 08′
- October 30, 2022, Mars stations and turns retrograde at 25° Gemini 37′ Rx
- January 12, 2023, Mars stations and turns direct at 8° Gemini 08’D
- March 15, 2023, Mars leaves the Retrograde Zone at 25° Gemini 37′
[The last Mars retrograde cycle was from September 9 to November 13, 2020. The next one after this Mars retrograde cycle is from December 6, 2024, to February 23, 2025.]
Jupiter Retrograde in 2023
Jupiter is retrograde in 2023 from September 4th to December 30th, 2023, in the sign of Taurus.
- Jupiter enters retrograde zone/shadow on June 11, 2023, at 5° Taurus 35′
- Jupiter stations and turns retrograde on September 4, 2023, at 15° Taurus 35′ Rx
- Jupiter stations and turns direct on December 30, 2023, at 5° Taurus 35’D
- Jupiter leaves retrograde zone/shadow on March 23, 2024, at 15° Taurus 35′
Saturn Retrograde in 2023
Saturn is retrograde in 2023 from June 17th to November 4th, 2023, in the sign of Pisces.
- Saturn enters retrograde zone/shadow on March 11, 2023, at 0° Pisces 31′
- Saturn stations and turns retrograde on June 17, 2023 at 7° Pisces 13′ Rx
- Saturn stations and turns direct on November 4, 2023, at 0° Pisces 31’D
- Saturn leaves retrograde zone/shadow on February 7, 2024, at 7° Pisces 13′
Uranus Retrograde in 2023
Note: Uranus completes its retrograde cycle that began on August 24, 2022, on January 22, 2023, and then turns retrograde again in August 2023.
Uranus is retrograde from August 24th, 2022, until January 22nd, 2023, in the sign of Taurus.
- Uranus enters retrograde zone/shadow on May 7, 2022, at 14° Taurus 56′
- Uranus stations and turns retrograde on August 24, 2022, at 18° Taurus 55′ Rx
- Uranus stations and turns direct on January 22, 2023, at 14° Taurus 56′
- Uranus leaves retrograde zone/shadow on May 9, 2023, at 18° Taurus 55′
Uranus is retrograde from August 28th, 2023, until January 27th, 2024, in the sign of Taurus.
- Uranus enters retrograde zone/shadow on May 12, 2023, at 19° Taurus 05′
- Uranus stations and turns retrograde on August 28, 2023, at 23° Taurus 05′ Rx
- Uranus stations and turns direct on January 27, 2024, at 19° Taurus 05′
- Uranus leaves retrograde zone/shadow on May 12, 2024, at 23° Taurus 05′
Neptune Retrograde in 2023
Neptune is retrograde in 2023 from June 30th to December 6th, 2023, in the sign of Pisces.
- Neptune enters retrograde zone/shadow on March 9, 2023, at 24° Pisces 53′
- Neptune stations and turns retrograde on June 30, 2023, at 27° Pisces 41′ Rx
- Neptune stations and turns direct on December 6, 2023, at 24° Pisces 53′
- Neptune leaves retrograde zone/shadow on March 25, 2024, at 27° Pisces 41′
Pluto Retrograde in 2023
Pluto is retrograde in 2023 from May 1st to October 10th, 2023, in the signs of Aquarius and Capricorn.
- Pluto enters retrograde zone/shadow on January 8, 2023, at 27° Capricorn 53′
- Pluto stations and turns retrograde on May 1, 2023, at 0° Aquarius 22′ Rx
- Pluto stations and turns direct on October 10, 2023, at 27° Capricorn 53′
- Pluto leaves retrograde zone/shadow on February 1, 2024, at 0° Aquarius 22′
T-Square, 2023, May 17, Pluto, Mars, Jupiter
Wedge (Far), 2023, May 19, Pluto, Mars, Su
Wedge (Near), 2023, July 09, Pluto, Neptune, Mercury
Wedge (Near), 2023, July 20, Pluto, Neptune, Su
Yod, 2023, July 26, Mercury, Venus, Pluto, Neptune
Yod, 2023, October 03, Mars, Neptune, Uranus
Yod, 2023, October 03, Neptune, Venus, Mars
Yod, 2023, November 14, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury
Yod, 2023, November 24, Uranus, Venus, Mercury
Wedge (Near), 2023, December 09, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter
Cet ouvrage d’éphémérides est destiné aux astronomes, aux enseignants et aux étudiants.
- Le cœur de cet ouvrage présente, pour l’année en cours, les éphémérides tabulées du Temps sidéral, des variables liées aux nouveaux paradigmes de l’Union astronomique internationale sur les systèmes de référence et les coordonnées du Soleil, de la Lune et des planètes, de Pluton, Cérès, Pallas, Junon et Vesta ; il fournit également les quantités nécessaires au calcul des positions des satellites de Mars, des satellites galiléens de Jupiter, des huit premiers satellites de Saturne et des cinq principaux satellites d’Uranus
- Un chapitre explicatif fournit les informations théoriques permettant de faire les calculs par soi-même ou d’utiliser le logiciel accompagnant l’ouvrage.
- Ce volume est le 345e d’une éphéméride créée en 1679 qui a paru sans interruption depuis sa création. Ancienne par sa conception, mais toujours moderne dans sa réalisation, la version actuelle s’appuie sur une partie des récents développements méthodologiques menés à l’IMCCE.
Consulter la table des matières.
- Format : 17 × 24 cm – 186 pages
- Éditeur : IMCCE
- ISSN : 2259-4191
Cet ouvrage est disponible gratuitement en version pdf : télécharger l’ouvrage.
Les pompiers grecs combattent des incendies majeurs sur plusieurs fronts
23 août 2023
Un drapeau grec flotte au vent lors d'un incendie à Chasia, à la périphérie d'Athènes
Athènes (AFP) - Les pompiers grecs ont eu du mal mercredi à contenir des incendies incontrôlés dans tout le pays pour le cinquième jour, plusieurs d'entre eux bordant une Athènes âcre et remplie de fumée.
Un incendie a ravagé les contreforts du mont Parnitha, la plus grande forêt jouxtant la capitale, et menace de se propager au parc national.
La capitale grecque s'est réveillée mercredi avec une odeur de terre brûlée et une épaisse fumée noire couvrant le ciel.
Des incendies ont déjà détruit des maisons et des propriétés dans la banlieue voisine de Hasia et Fyli et menacent la banlieue de Menidi.
"Malheureusement, le vent n'aide pas du tout", a déclaré Stathis Topalidis, adjoint au maire de Menidi, à la télévision publique ERT.
Mardi, les autorités ont ordonné l'évacuation d'Ano Liosia, au nord-ouest d'Athènes, un quartier de plus de 25 000 habitants, même si plusieurs sont restés chez eux pour tenter de protéger leurs propriétés.
Un autre grand incendie faisait toujours rage dans une décharge de la zone industrielle d'Aspropyrgos, à l'ouest d'Athènes.
Les flammes ont continué à se propager de manière incontrôlée pendant un cinquième jour dans la région nord-est d'Evros, proche des frontières turques, ainsi qu'à Alexandroupolis et dans la forêt de Dadia, qui abrite de rares oiseaux de proie.
D'autres évacuations ont été ordonnées dans la région du jour au lendemain.
Mardi, 18 migrants présumés ont été retrouvés morts dans un incendie de forêt près de la frontière turque, au nord de la ville portuaire du nord-est d'Alexandroupolis.
Parmi les morts figurent deux enfants, a indiqué un responsable de la police.
Comme aucun résident local n'a été porté disparu, "la possibilité qu'il s'agisse de personnes entrées illégalement dans notre pays fait l'objet d'une enquête", a déclaré le porte-parole des pompiers, Yiannis Artopios, dans une allocution télévisée.
Des incendies faisaient également rage dans les îles d'Eubée et de Kythnos, dans la région de Béotie, au nord d'Athènes et dans l'ouest de la Grèce.
Un autre incendie qui s'est déclaré mardi sur l'île de Samothraki a été maîtrisé dans la nuit, mais l'île reste sans électricité.
Plus de 40 000 hectares (près de 99 000 acres) ont été détruits par des incendies de forêt en seulement trois jours du 19 au 21 août, selon un rapport de l'Observatoire national d'Athènes.
Les conditions très chaudes et sèches qui augmentent le risque d'incendie persisteront jusqu'à vendredi, selon les météorologues.
Agence France-Presse
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© 2023 AFP
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